Harold “Stretch” Kuykendall
Vice President of Digital Technology
Offshore Technical Compliance, Covington, LA
Mr. Kuykendall has assisted in the development of the company’s infrastructure and has played a fundamental role in the development of OTC-Greenlight Software Suite. He executed field trials that commissioned the software in 2015 aboard a deepwater drillship in the Gulf of Mexico and performs QA/QC of all software before industry-wide rollout.
Mr. Kuykendall analyzes test documentation prior to submission to BSEE. He provides technical expertise to clients and colleagues regarding digital pressure testing. He plans, coordinates, and supervises daily operations. Mr. Kuykendall oversees site surveys/installations along with all remote monitoring operations. Mr. Kuykendall created all GreenLight training and fixed-step curriculum. He is responsible for the recruitment, training, and performance of all GreenLight Specialists.
Sr. Inspector/HSEQ
Offshore Technical Compliance
Sr. Inspector and HSEQ Rep for OTC providing clients with mock BSEE, United States Coast Guard regulatory inspections, and HSEQ staffing for drilling and work over operations. Assisted in the evaluation of Crew Competency and Training. He has completed OTC’s proprietary compliance training program and fully trained to provide high quality HSEQ and Regulatory.
Lead Cementer
Schlumberger National Gulf Coast
Lead Cementer on the Thunder Horse PDQ, the world’s largest production drilling quarter. Conducted BOP testing for the client. Generated flow charts for the operation of the new Anatomize Digital BOP testing software. Distributed amongst colleagues to mitigate processing time providing final documentation to the client. Executed miscellaneous pumping operations for the client. Maintained extensive inventory of cement, chemical additives, and treating iron, to be in spec with regulatory compliance. Participated in the Risk Incident Reporting (RIR) program to help identify trends regarding safety and service quality. Lead mentor for new employees in preparation for stand-alone operations.
Rig Manager
Schlumberger National Gulf Coast
Representative for six new technology deep-water drilling rigs. Generated employee rig assignments, as well as work rotations/scheduling. Accountable for employees training, certifications, and competency. Created multiple proposals and bids for numerous clients to award work. Designed cementing programs that were within compliance with all API requirements. All cementing designs were successfully executed at well site. Dealt with suppliers for chemical pricing, purchasing and deliveries. Kept inventory on all products aboard each rig. Conducted performance appraisals for the employees aboard my rigs.
International Project Supervisor
Schlumberger Integrated Project Center
Supervised the construction of Schlumberger cementing unit aboard the drill ship Discover Inspiration for Transocean in S. Korea. Collaborated with DNV (Det Norske Veritas) to ensure the install was in compliance with their inspection criteria as well as international regulations.
Cement Field Specialist III
Schlumberger Gulf of Mexico
Sole Schlumberger well services cementing representative on drillship. Accountability for all chemicals, iron, and unit maintenance. Member of loss prevention team. Completed risk incident reports. Complex deep water explorations for oil & gas. Limited parameters for well operations and completion.
Designated Marksman
United States Army (Iraq)
Coordinated sniper observation points to over watch hostile road with intentions to destroy enemy activities. Collected intelligence on small towns and villages. Provided aerial support during house raids. Operated within very limited and strict rules of engagement.
Combat Engineer
United States Army (Iraq)
Prepared priming and firing systems for explosives with injury free operations. Recognized and neutralized booby traps, land mines, and fighting positions. Maintained accountability of personnel and ammunitions. Enforced demolition safety regulations while conducting all activities.